How It Works: The Process Unveiled

The VipLine encrypted SIM card takes privacy to the next level. Rather than obscuring the process and making our technology hard to understand, we want our customers to know how a PGP SIM works, specifically ours.

While a standard SIM does not keep your personal information secure, our anonymous SIM card makes it a priority. To clarify our technology and shed transparency on the VipLine secure SIM card difference, we have made our process public so you can stay private.

The VipLine difference that allows access to our card’s many features is best explained through a four-step process. These steps are taken as soon as you initiate the process by making or receiving a phone call.

  1. Using a USSD secure channel, the call’s command reaches the VipLine private, automated servers.
  2. Immediately, our servers encrypt your number, privatize your location, and replace your voice.
  3. The call continues through a private channel.
  4. Your number is then rendered untraceable as a random number is generated in your correspondent’s call-log.

These four steps are only possible once the VipLine secure PGP SIM is inserted into your cellular device.

The Features Explained

Protect Your Business & Understand The Threats

Modern-day business relies on connectivity. Employer-to-employee, client-to-company, and business-to-business relationships can only be fostered with the right technology.

Unfortunately, as critical these connections are, it does not mean that smartphones for business use are safer than for personal use.

As businesses often have complex connectivity requirements and large amounts of information, the likelihood of these connections being infiltrated skyrockets. Fully understanding the threats mobile devices are exposed to can be challenging, and a failure to do so can put your company at risk.

Thankfully, VipLine has provided some of the most common paths a threat will take and the main causes of data leakage. As the list does not provide all the possible threats your business may face, you should be making an effort to identify threats and protect yourself.

The first step to safeguarding yourself from potential threats is ensuring all your business communication is done through encrypted channels using a VipLine anonymous SIM.

Understand The Threats

The Features Explained

secure private vipline sim card

Start Taking The VIP Steps

You can take advantage of all the VipLine features with the simple click of a button.

Take The Steps
secure private vipline sim card

Start Taking The VIP Steps

You can take advantage of all the VipLine features with the simple click of a button.

Take The Steps